The Principal Investigator needs to develop a fully-costed budget for contract and grant proposals. The budget justification provides an explanation to the funding agency for the various expenses associated with the budget and is submitted with the budget. We recommend using this format for all proposed budgets. Submit budgets electronically to your unit’s/area’s respective Business Office fund manager.
Budget Development Tool (link not working)
Budget Development Tool Instructions (link not working)
Budget Justification Template (link not working)
Benefit RatesĀ (link not working)
Rates vary by personnel type. Please refer to the website listed here for current rates. However, UCLA Ed&IS’s standard practice is to use actual benefit percentages for named personnel.
Escalation factors are built into the Budget Development Tool. Please refer to the website listed here for current rates.
Facility and Administrative Costs (formerly known as Indirect Cost Rates)
Full F&A recovery rates published on the OCGA website (listed above) is the standard for UCLA Ed&IS. F&A costs are negotiated by the University with the federal government and are applicable to all sponsored awards. Exceptions to the established rates published by the Office of the President are only rarely granted when: 1) it is the agency’s written policy to only allow less than the full rate and a class waiver is on file with OCGA; (2) the project is of vital interest to the University. Waivers of vital interest must be endorsed by the Dean and submitted by OCGA for final approval by the Vice Chancellor of Research.
General Liability Assessment Program Costs The Budget Development Tool contains a formula to calculate $0.58/$100 payroll for Fiscal year 2008-09. Budgets being developed for Fiscal years 2009-2010 and beyond should use the rate of $0.60/$100 payroll. The resulting figure is shown in the “Supplies/Services” category. General Liability Program Costs are applied to all extramural funding sources with the exception of support from the federal government, federal flow-through funds, and state or local governments. Awards from non-profit and for-profit sponsors are assessed for these costs. Please refer to the website listed here for current rates.
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