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Student Positions #
Statement about Teaching Assistants and Special Reader
As a Professional Graduate School, GSE&IS offers relatively few undergraduate courses, and therefore, hires relatively few Teaching Assistants. The Department of Education does offer an Education Studies Minor (ESM). Some of these courses with larger enrollments often hire TA’s to assist the faculty instructors. Appointments of TA’s are made on a quarterly basis, and only after specific enrollment figures are reached. Some courses that in the past have employed TA’s are Ed 92F, ED M102, ED 122, ED 130, Ed 187, and ED 194A/B/C. If you are interested in applying for a TA position, please check the quarterly course offerings and contact the instructor directly. The Department of Education also employs Special Readers, primarily to assist with courses in the Social Research Methodology (SRM) Division, particularly Ed 222A/B/C/D, Ed 230A/B/C, and other statistical methods courses. Special Readers are also occasionally appointed to assist with courses in the Teacher Education Program (TEP), particularly Ed 413A/BC and Ed 425. Appointments of Special Readers are made on a quarterly basis. If you are interested in applying for a Special Reader position, please check course listings and contact the instructors directly, or contact the SRM or TEP Office. The Department of Information Studies offers only two undergraduate courses, IS 20 and IS 30. Frequently, these courses have relatively large enrollments, and in the past have employed TA’s. The Department also employs Special Readers. Appointments of Special Readers are made on a quarterly basis for courses with large enrollment figures. Special Readers are usually second or third-year doctoral students, and must have completed the course previously. If you are interested in a TA or Special Reader position, please contact your faculty advisor.
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