GSE&IS Proposal Approval and Submission
GSE&IS Standard Budget Development
The Goldenrod is an internal campus form, which is used for the review and approval of proposals to extramural funding agencies. Submit the Goldenrod (Adobe Acrobat software required) electronically to the respective Business Office fund manager, along with the signed hard copy of the entire proposal package. Please refer to the UCLA Goldenrod resource materials for detailed instructions to complete the form and GSE&IS internal protocol.
Principal Investigator (P.I.) Code Directory
A P.I. code is a component of the internal UCLA approval and submission process currently in use for proposals submitted to funding agencies. This four digit number is a unique identifier assigned to each UCLA investigator by the Office of Research Administration Central Data Management Team (CDMT).
EFM Matrix re: classification of research/public/other service awards
Administrative and Academic Officers review this area closely as the type of award often indicates the impact on resources and the level of administrative support necessary to manage a particular award. The proposal type also determines the Facilities and Administrative rate applicable. Please refer to Office of Contract and Grant Administration’s website for a listing of the various F&A cost structure (formerly known as indirect costs).
Statement of Economic Interest for Non-governmental Entity (700-U)
The Principal Investigator must complete Form 700 U for all research projects which have been or will be funded, in whole, or in part: (1) through a contract or grant of $500 or more with a non-governmental entity; or (2) by a gift from a non-governmental entity which is earmarked by the donor for a specific research project or a specific principal investigator, provided the amount of the gift, or the aggregate over a 12 month period from the same donor is $500 or more. This form is not sent to the funding agency.
Under UCLA policy, the Principal Investigator is responsible for identifying all individuals who have responsibility for the design, conduct, or reporting of research related to projects proposed to or funded by (a) the National Science Foundation; (b) the Public Health Services; or (c) a UC program for which disclosures are required. Any investigator who wishes to voluntarily disclose financial interests related to any funded research project may also use Form 740. This form is not sent to the funding agency.
P.I. Eligibility Exception Letter
An <Exception> request indicates that the individual is not automatically eligible, but rather may be permitted to serve as a PI or Co-PI on an exception-basis. In that instance, a request for an exception, which is approved by the Dean, is forwarded to OCGA with each proposal submitted to an extramural sponsor. Please refer to Dean Aimée Dorr’s memo dated February 6, 2003 regarding UCLA Ed&IS protocol for P.I. exceptions. Exceptions are not routinely granted.
Human Subjects Research Training/NIH Requirements
The University policy requires that all research involving human subjects must have an approved application from the Office of the Human Research Protection Program (OHRPP), regardless of fund source. Additionally, all faculty and research staff must complete the web-based education on the protection of human research subjects. The campus has adopted this education certification policy for all key personnel on all research projects, regardless of fund source. Reference the Office of the Human Research Protection Program (OHRPP) website for the policy and the online certification process.
Federal agencies will not issue an award without demonstration that the human subjects certification has been secured. For non-government agencies, UCLA’s Office of Contract and Grant Administration (OCGA) will not initiate set-up of an account without a PI’s certificate on file. All PI’s and research staff should forward a hard copy of their human subjects education certification to the Business Office to keep on file. Education certification must be renewed every 2 years.
Request for Authorization to Spend (aka RAS)
An RAS is a request made by the Principal Investigator to obtain an account/fund number for an extramurally funded project prior to receipt of the actual award from the sponsor. Please contact the CFO in advance or as immediately as possible. After the form has been completed, the CFO will review the request to determine risk level. Only low-risk conditions will be endorsed for the Dean’s approval. Upon the Dean’s approval, it will be forwarded to the Office of Contract and Grant Administration to assess the risk and/or secure firm commitment of funding from the agency. Upon confirmation, OCGA will authorize an account/fund, if the request is approved.
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